Research infrastructure:
Technologies for growth, breeding and genetics
Technologies for growth, breeding and genetics
- Development of functional dairy products for special diets with a positive impact on the health of consumers
- Design and development of innovative products to treat specific bull diseases as an alternative to antibiotic therapy
- Elaborarea de programe de supraveghere, evaluare nutrițională și monitorizare a contaminanților din furajele destinate alimentației vacilor pentru lapte.
- Development of surveillance, nutritional assessment and monitoring programmes for contaminants in feed for dairy cows.;
- Implementation of food quality and safety standards on livestock farms processing animal resources (milk/meat – raw material) Improving animal nutrition and feeding in order to increase the competitiveness of the livestock sector, the safety and quality of products and decrease the environmental impact.
- Monitoring the health status of cows through clinical and paraclinical, haematological, biochemical and immunological analyses at different periods of the lactation curve and physiological status;
- Establishment of surveillance and monitoring programmes for dairy cows through biological sampling, isolation, identification of bacterial strains and determination of their susceptibility to antibiotics in animals diagnosed with mastitis, endometritis and other bacterial diseases;
- Application of modern screening methods to identify possible strains resistant to certain classes of antibiotics and to confirm/neutralize isolates presumed to produce genes coding for antibiotic resistance;
Reproductive biotechnology and animal health
Reproductive biotechnology and animal health
Research and studies
- Conservation and preservation of the Steppe Sura populations
- Numerical quantification of steppe thrush populations;
- Determination of genetic markers specific to the steppe Sura breed;
- Assessment of the genetic diversity of the steppe Sura breed of bulls;
- Extending the core of the Sura steppe bull to the level of avoiding genetic drift and inbreeding to ensure the conservation of the breed’s genetic resources.
- To develop the capacity of the SCDCB-Dancu for genetic evaluation in Bos taurus by improving institutional performance, i.e. supporting and developing existing research skills, transferring knowledge between research groups and stimulating the transferability of results applicable to the monitoring and management of cattle breeds.
- Development and optimization of a genetic method for paternity assessment in cattle breeds.
- Creating superior genotypes in the Baltata cu Negru Romaneasca cow breed in terms of production potential, quantitatively and qualitatively.
Nutrition, food quality and safety
Nutrition, food quality and safety
Research and studies
- Consultancy services and scientific support in the strategic implementation of a food safety management system and alignment with European biosecurity standards in the processing chain
- Development of a research-development-innovation (RDI) infrastructure capable of strengthening regional technology transfer, providing scientific and material support for the development of the entrepreneurial livestock ecosystem in conditions of biosecurity and food safety.
- Testing innovative solutions and developing new functional products beneficial to the health of consumers in order to strengthen the transfer of knowledge and technologies from research to private business.
- Development of new food technologies and assessment of existing technologies (including packaging) in terms of their environmental impact.
- Development of surveillance, nutritional assessment and monitoring programmes for contaminants in feed for dairy cows.
- Improving animal nutrition and feeding in order to increase the competitiveness of the livestock sector, improve product safety and quality and reduce environmental impact.